Typography is the style and appearance of printed matter, also the art or procedure of arranging type or processing data and printing from it. A typography portrait is an image of a person's face covered with words. They are not just words, they basically have to have words that describe the person's character trait. It can be used with images to make a lasting impact by
To create an typography image was very hard for me. My biggest challenge during this project was to make the words to be seen clearly on the person's face, but all the layers in order, and especially to have all the shadows, mid-tones, and highlight to be equally. It was very hard to make those three turn out the way you want to! . It took me a long time. I tried to catch up with my teacher's demonstration but it was still difficult and confusing. Of course lucky me! My friends and my teacher helped me so I got it all set ;)
The first example was an innovator example. We were basically looking for an image of a famous person, and finding words that describe them. The second was the one when we took a close up photo of our teacher's face. And the third one is another typography image of me.