Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Double Exposed Portraits

Portrait Photography is usually photos of the person's face, but the background and entire body maybe included. It can also displays that person's expressions and mood of a subject. It is as same as when you are taking family portrait for any special events.  A profile is similar to a portrait photography because their pictures are always of a person's face, the only thing about profile is you can't really see the the face, mood or expression, because you can position anyway you want. A silhouetting is different from two other ones because you can take a picture of person, place or thing. The silhouette is only one color that matches the outline of you subject. It appears in a solid shape. The only thing that portraits, profiles and silhouettes are basically the same because the subject is usually a human.

You created double exposures in Photoshop by starting off with File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack that is the 1st step, I had three photos; 2 textures and a profile 2nd: Crop your photo. Make sure it set to 8.5 * 11" 300 px/in and the edges of farm are equal. 3rd: Use the dodge tool to make sure that your background is completely white, you can also use the paintbrush tool. 4th : Blend your photos together by clicking twice on one of your textures and click on Blend Mode >Screen, doing the same thing with the other one. 5th: To make your photos look majestic, go to Layer> New Adjustment layer, and explore!! Remember to SAVE YOUR WORK!!!!

I took a picture of flowers, because I love flowers and their beauty. I also love palm trees because they make me feel peaceful and they make Hawaii becomes more beautiful, especially when there's sunset.  Everyone is like a flower, different and has their own beauty, that is what so unique! I love how I used curves, saturation and gradients to make my final picture ''stand out'' more. I learned it from my practice photo. I think my palm trees could be improved because you can barely see them. At first, I thought this project is complicated but when you get into it more, it gets easier, and you will be in LOVE with it!!


Final Work!!



  1. I like your final!
    I cant really see the flowers.
    Great practice!

  2. I like your images.
    I cant really see the flowers
    Really good dodge out quality

  3. The texture is very nice
    The palm trees could be more visible.
    The color is very vivd, and that makes it look better

  4. I like your two symbols.
    It its hard to see the two images together.
    I like your overall image.

  5. there are a lot of vibrant colors
    you can kinda see the palm trees
    great overall image

  6. Great color scheme it works really well
    I can barely tell what your message is.
    Overrall it looks really cool.

  7. I really like the colors you used!
    It's hard to see the palm trees.
    I love your final picture !

  8. I like the texture you put on your final product!
    I can't really see your two symbols.
    I love your overall image!

  9. My favorite part of your work is the colors.
    Your message sorta works because you can only see one symbol.
    Something that could of been improved is to make the palm trees more visible.

  10. Compliment: Amazing Photos
    Improvement: Can't really see the flower
    Compliment: Love the colors

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.
